Privacy Policy



In this Privacy Policy you will find all relevant information applicable to the use that Buyon makes of the personal data of its customers/users, in order to explain the data collected by Buyon, the purposes of this collection and processing of subsequent personal data, and the users’ rights.

The collection and processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter “RGPD”), including the national legislation that complements it.

This Privacy Policy is a related normative piece and complementary, in its specific scope, to the “Buyon App General Terms and Conditions”.


  1. Data Controller

The Responsible for the Treatment of your personal data, related to the purposes indicated below, is Buyon Lda., Casal Dos Vagares, nº 15 3030-141 Coimbra, Portugal; VAT/NIF 516053051; Telephone number +351 239 094 317; E-mail


  1. Collected Data

Buyon collects the following data about the user: (1) Data that the user voluntarily submits; and (2) Technical data passively collected from all users of the Buyon App and website.

  1. Information voluntarily submitted

Buyon collects the personal data provided by the user through the Buyon App, which may be the following: (a) name; (b) email address; (c) mobile phone number; (d) tax identification number.

  1. Passively collected technical data

Whenever the user visits the site, it may store or retrieve information when browsing, mainly in the form of cookies. This information can be about the user, their preferences or their device, and is used to improve the website or present the desired performance. Generally, this information does not identify the user, allowing Buyon to offer a personalized user experience.

Activity or Traffic Data may also be collected when the user uses the App Buyon. This category of data can comprise the following:

  • The type of operations used.
  • The volume of use.
  • The value of the operations carried out.
  • The sectors of purchasing activity.
  • The operating system, brand and model of users’ equipment.
  • The completion of the operations flow.
  • The status of the service.


  1. Personal Data, Purposes, Legal Basis and Time Limits for Conservation

Buyon processes its users’ personal data for the purposes identified below and in accordance with the conditions of lawfulness and deadlines identified.

Data Purposes Legal Basis Time Limits
IP address; Device ID; Browser type To develop, improve and maintain the website and APP Buyon Legitimate Interest 1 year after canceling the Buyon service
Name; E-mail address; mobile number To send electronic communications (SMS, email and in-app notifications) to users about APP Buyon’s performance Legitimate Interest 1 year after canceling the Buyon service


Name; E-mail address; mobile number To ensure security and prevent the abusive, illicit or fraudulent use of the website and APP Buyon Legitimate Interest 1 year after canceling the Buyon service


Name; E-mail address; mobile number; VAT; Activity or Traffic data For sending electronic communications (SMS, email and in-app notifications) to promote and advertise the Buyon service, the products or services of Buyon or its partners Consent Until the holder of the personal data withdraws his/her consent or refuses to receive further messages
Name; date of birth; TIN; postal code; e-mail address; mobile number To communicate with Official and Governmental Entities (Tax Authority, Courts, among others) Compliance with legal obligations For the period legally provided
Activity or traffic data To manage, according to the user’s preferences, any content that may be displayed to him/her Legitimate Interest 1 year after canceling the Buyon service


4.     Personal Data Recipients
4.1. Disclosure to Third Parties
a.   Other partner companies
Buyon may disclose the personal data of its users to other partner companies (Crossing Answers, Ltd. and Mutantalent, Ltd.) in order to provide them a better service.
b.   Service Providers
To provide e-mail marketing and SMS marketing services, Buyon may use the services of third parties, subcontracted for this purpose, with the inherent treatment of personal data on behalf and responsibility of Buyon, Ltd. These entities will act only and only upon instructions from Buyon, Ltd.
Buyon, Ltd. requires these third parties to process any personal data of the User solely in accordance with this Privacy Policy and for no other purpose than to provide the necessary services to Buyon, Ltd.
c.    Aggregated Information
Buyon can additionally share aggregated information, which will never allow identification of the user, to customers, prospects, partners or press, in order to demonstrate the use of the Buyon App, to identify industry trends, to perform Benchmarking and to create advertising for the Buyon Service.
d.   Legal or Similar Entities
Buyon may disclose the personal data of its users if required by judicial or administrative order or whenever it is legally required to assist public authorities within their respective legal powers.
4.2. Disclosure to Advertiser Networks
Buyon accepts, within the stated purposes, the sharing of the Activity or Traffic data of Buyon APP and of its users with its advertising partners, through the use of SDK and API, with the exceptions listed below:
a)     It does not trade its users’ personal data with any entity, for any purpose whatsoever.
b)     Such information is always transmitted in pseudonymized form.
c)     Those partners are only authorized to use this information as described below.
When the advertising partner is a Social Network, the user’s information may be shared with that network so that it can verify that it is its user. If so, Buyon may ask the partner or Social Network to display specific ads to the user or their exclusion from certain campaigns and communications, according to their preferences. The recipients of this data are:
·       Facebook
·       Instagram
·       Google
·       E-goi.
The user can contact Buyon at any time, through the e-mail, if he/she does not want the use of his/her personal data for these purposes.
Alternatively, the user can always contact and verify, directly with those entities, the execution of the treatment in question and manage their preferences and restrictions.
5.     Exercise of User’s Rights
The user, under the RGPD, has the following rights regarding his/her personal data:
                i.    Right of access.
              ii.    Right of rectification.
             iii.    Right to delete.
             iv.    Right to limit treatment.
              v.    Right to object to treatment.
             vi.    Right to request for data portability.
In addition, the user also has the right to file a complaint with the National Commission for Data Protection if he or she believes that his or her rights have been infringed.
The user can exercise his/ her rights by sending a written request to Casal Dos Vagares, n. º 15, 3030-141 Coimbra, Portugal, for the attention of the Data Protection Officer of Buyon Ltd. or, alternatively, by sending an email to
6.     Safety
The security of the user’s personal data is of the utmost importance for Buyon. To protect the data of its users, Buyon uses the most demanding and rigorous security measures, which it considers appropriate to, inter alia, prevent the loss, misuse and alteration thereof, both during transmission and after receipt, including, without limitation, the use of firewalls and encryption.
In the event of an incident that jeopardizes the security of the user’s personal data, Buyon may publish a news item on its homepage or in any other area of the website or the Buyon APP, and/or may send an email to the email address provided by the user, or SMS to the user’s mobile phone.
7.     Privacy Policy Updates
Buyon may update this privacy policy periodically and whenever necessary. Whenever this is done, Buyon will change the information regarding its effective date on the website and on APP Buyon.
Buyon encourages its users to periodically review this privacy policy in order to remain fully informed about the collection, use and disclosure of their personal data. By continuing to use the Buyon’s website and app represents their agreement to this privacy policy, in an informed, clarified and unequivocal way, seeking Buyon, Ltd. to meet, at all times, in the best way to the general trust and justified that their services are made available to the public.
8.     Contacts
For clarification of any questions regarding the operation or evolution of the Buyon Service, the user may contact
For clarification of questions exclusively related to this privacy policy and with personal data protection, the user may contact Buyon at info@mybuyon.comm.
Updated: 2021-02-16
1.     Treatment Manager
Buyon Lda., Casal Dos Vagares, nº 15 3030-141 Coimbra, Portugal; VAT/NIF 516053051; Telephone number +351 239 094 317; E-mail
2.     Data Protection Officer Contact
Contact E-mail:
Regarding the protection of your personal data:


3.     Aim
To send the Buyon Service User electronic messages to promote and advertise the Buyon service or the goods or services of Buyon or its partners.


4.     Legal Basis
For this purpose, the legal basis is the explicit consent. The user can withdraw his/her consent at any time through the option in the app: “Account>Privacy”.


5.     Types of Personal Data to Treat
Name, email address, mobile phone number, TIN.
6.     Personal Data Recipients
Buyon may use the services of third parties to assist in sending messages for the above purpose, subcontracted for this purpose, implying the inherent processing of personal data on behalf and responsibility of Buyon, Ltd.
Such entities shall act only and only upon instructions from Buyon, Ltd.


7.     Personal Data Retention Period
Until the owner of the personal data withdraws his/her consent or refuses to receive further messages.
8.     Rights of the Personal Data Holder
The user may request access to his/her personal data, its rectification or deletion, the limitation of the processing; he/she may also object to the processing and request the portability of the data, in accordance with the law in force. To do so, the user must send a written request to the Buyon’s Data Protection Officer through the contact indicated above.
The user also has the right to submit a complaint to the National Commission of Data Protection, if he/she believes that his/her rights have been infringed.

Contact us.

Buyon is focused on the <strong> development of payment solutions for unattended devices.</strong> We are committed at creating an innovative, transparent and secure, <strong>cashless future</strong>.